I know it has been a while since I have updated our blog! I have thought about it and have had plenty of time to do it, there just hasn't been much to report!! As far as my pregnancy goes, I still feel great! No nausea at all and I'm not any more tired than the non-pregnant full-time night shift nurse :) I did catch a cold from Chad a couple weeks ago, but I never felt that bad, so I started to think it was just sinuses. Well this was 3 weeks ago and the constant coughing has not let up, in fact in the last 2 days it seems to have gotten worse. I worked all night on Saturday night and came home Sunday morning and slept until about 2:30 pm. When I woke up, I felt really funny, almost like I couldn't catch my breath. I ignored it for a while, but the more time went by, the worse it got. So of course I started to panic, which in turn, made it worse! I called my doctor and she told me to drink fluids, take robitussin, and go to the ER if it got any worse. Well the shortness of breath seemed to improve, but I felt weird all night. I woke up today and felt better, but still have this horrid dry cough. I am not due to go to the doctor until Tuesday of next week, but when my doctor called me today to check on me, she heard my cough and told me she wanted me to come in this week instead. Her concern is that it could be walking pneumonia and doesn't want me to sit on it all week. So, I will go in this Weds and see what is going on. I was scheduled to do my glucose test text week, so she bumped that up to Weds as well. I PRAY that I pass this test, because I think I will pass out if I have to do the 3 hour glucose tolerance test!!
So now it is time to brag a little bit... I think that I might be the luckiest girl in the entire world. Maybe I am biased, but I think I have the most amazing husband, brother, and dad in the world. I will tell you why I think so...My amazing brother has been more excited than anyone since the moment he found out I was pregnant. He texts me several times a week with baby name ideas and to tell me about all of the baby dreams he is having! Last week, I woke up to a package at my front door. It was from Uncle Matty of course. The package was full of healthy pregnancy food, tea, PICKLES, aden & anis burp cloths for the baby, and the best part...a letter from Matty! It was the most thoughtful package and I just know that he is going to be the most smitten uncle in the entire world. All of you single ladies out there don't even know what you are missing out on, but that's ok because that means I don't have to share him! He already loves my mom more than me, I don't think I can share him with anyone else!
Now on to my husband...Chad has done more for me than I can even begin to share in a short blog post. What I admire the most about him is his extreme dedication. Chad was approached with a new job opportunity a couple weeks ago. This opportunity was one that he could not turn down and while he was so excited for the opportunity to grow professionally, he was literally tortured at the thought of letting his boss and other co-workers down. For almost an entire week I had to listen to him talk about how he feels like he is letting someone down, but wants to do what's best for his family. While I knew everything was going to work out fine, it broke my heart to see him struggle. He is the hardest worker of anyone I have ever met and I am not just saying that because he is my husband. I am so proud of him and can't wait to see him further his career. I can sometimes be annoyed at his "I have to be the best at everything" mentality, but it is also one of the reasons I love him so much. There is one thing I know he will be the best at...and that is being a daddy!!
And last but definitely not least...my daddy. My dad has spoiled me rotten my whole life. Even though I am a married women, I pretty much don't make any decisions without consulting my dad. He always says to me, "what will you do when I'm not around," and I truly have no clue! He knows everything about everything and I would be lost without his knowledge, experience, and ability to fix EVERYTHING!!! We had our baby furniture delivered on Fri. It has been sitting in the dining room in boxes, because we still had some touch up painting to do. Well he came over today, and in a matter of 3 hours, he finished all the painting and put the whole crib together! While I do love my husband...he is nowhere close to being this handy!! Thank goodness my parents live a mile away :) Told ya I was a lucky girl!!
I will be sure to post a quick update after my appointment on Weds. Keep your fingers crossed for no pneumonia and a passing score on my glucose test!!