As of this week not only am I halfway there, but I am MORE than halfway there!!! Not a whole lot has changed, I am still feeling great and I am happy to say that if I wear a tighter shirt, people who don't know me...can tell that I am pregnant!! Chad and I went to register at BuyBuy Baby this past Saturday and as we were going around the store, a girl, her husband, and her dad walked beside us. Her dad looks at me and says "so how far along are you?" When I said almost 21 weeks the girl said she had to walk around in front of me to see if I was even pregnant. I said with the registry gun in my hand, "well I hope I am since I am registering for all of this baby stuff." She opened up her coat and showed me her belly and said "this is what happens between 21 and 28 weeks." It was too funny! We had a lot of fun registering, but Chad was ready to go after being there for two hours!
On Friday, I finally decided it was time to give in and buy some maternity pants. Chad's adorable Grammy gave me a gift card to Destination Maternity for Christmas, so I made Chad meet me there after work so I could find some maternity jeans! I can still fit into almost all of my clothes, but when I sit down in my pre-pregnancy jeans, they eventually have to be unbuttoned :) I found a pair of jeans and a couple cute tops that show that I DO have a belly!! I am proud of myself for making it this far, but it was about time I gave in to the elastic waste bands!
The rest of the weekend was spent being very productive! We had a good friend come over on Sunday to help move furniture out of the "guest room" so we can start transforming it into the nursery. Last week I ordered the bedding and the furniture. The bedding came right away, and the furniture should be here in 3-4 weeks. I was happy that we got the bedding so fast, because I didn't want to start picking out paint colors until we knew what shades were in the bedding. We got four different paint samples to work with, so now it is time to make a decision! All I have to say is, it is a lot harder to make these decisions when you don't know your baby's gender!
We have our next appointment with our OB on Feb. 8th. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I have gained weight...which I am pretty sure I have! The baby is definitely a moving machine...especially after I eat! It is the best feeling in the world and I am sure I will regret saying this, but I only wish I could feel it 24/7! I will update after our appointment next week!
Until then here I am 21 weeks and growing!

21 weeks and GLOWING! You look great, Em. :)