PRETTY DARN CUTE!!! I could look at these pictures all day everyday! We had our follow-up ultrasound this morning to check on my placenta previa and to get a better view of the baby's spine. My doctor's office offers a 3D/4D package for an additional fee. I was originally planning on going to Expecting Mom Spa to do our 3D/4D ultrasound, but my doctor's office had a cheaper package that offered more time and pictures than the cheapest Expecting Mom package. So since we were going in for a follow-up today, I scheduled our 3D/4D at the same time. We were going to wait until closer to 30 weeks, but Chad leaves next week for 3 weeks and I did not want him to miss out!!
Great news to report...not only does the baby look GREAT, but my placenta previa is completely gone and the spine is totally normal!! I no longer have any restrictions and my doc said I will not need another ultrasound unless I go past my due date!! The ultrasound tech said the baby's estimated weight was 3 lbs 1 oz. She said that they usually weigh 3 lbs around 30 weeks...well I guess I am feeding the baby well, because I am only 28.5 weeks! Haha. I guess that would explain my 9 lb weight gain from 3 weeks ago! Ahh! I knew I would gain it all toward the end! Chad, my dad, and my Nana all say the baby has 'masculine' features, so we will see! I don't think you can tell by looking at it's features, but my gut still says boy :) Either way, we will be thrilled!!
I am SO excited that one week from today, my mom and I will be traveling to Northern VA for my baby shower! I am SO SO excited to see all of my wonderful friends as well as Chad's family! It will be a long 8 hrs in the car, but it will be well worth it! The only sad part is when we return Chad will already be in California :( What am I going to do without him for 3 weeks?! I know time will fly by and he will be home before I know it!
My next appointment will be in 2 weeks, and hopefully by then spring will be here to stay!!