Happy 26 weeks!! I can't believe that I am just a couple weeks shy of my THIRD and FINAL trimester!! For as slow as this pregnancy started out, it now feels like it is flying by! My doctor's appointment last week went great and the nurse practitioner said that I got an A+ on all of my tests! She also said that my lungs sounded clear, which means no walking pneumonia! Before my appointment, I had to drink a nasty glucose solution and then have blood drawn an hour later to check for gestational diabetes as well as another blood test to check for anemia. If my glucose was 140 or higher, then I would have had to take a three hour glucose tolerance test. My glucose was....139! No joke! I passed by one point! She said she was sure I would have passed the three hour test, but I am just thankful that I don't even have to do it!!! My hematocrit & hemoglobin levels were also fine, so no pneumonia, no gestational diabetes, and no anemia! All good news! In three weeks, I only gained a pound, but she didn't say anything to me about it, so I figure I am going to be one of those people that gains all the weight towards the end! My next appointment is scheduled for the end of March, and that is when we will do our second ultrasound to check on my placenta previa and to hopefully get a better view of the little peanut's spine!
On Chad's last day at Maxim, his wonderful boss and co-workers threw us a baby shower. It was such a nice gesture and it was definitely hard for both of us to walk out of the office at the end of the party. I know that I don't know all of his co-workers that well, but it was very apparent how highly everyone thinks of Chad. One of the nurses kept threatening to tie him to his chair and not let him go! I know they were all sad to see him go, but I am certain that we will keep in touch with the wonderful friends we have made during his time at Maxim.

This past weekend was a rough one for me. I had to miss out on my friend Lauren's wedding weekend in Baltimore :( All of my wonderful girlfriends got to have a reunion weekend and see Lauren and Patrick tie the knot! I have several upcoming trips and I figured it was not healthy for me to travel constantly now that I am further along in my pregnancy. I HATE missing out on these reunions! It makes me wish I never moved away from them! I do love living in OH and being close to my family, but in a sense I feel like I moved closer to one family and moved further away from another. I lived away from my family for more than six years, so my girlfriends became my family. They are the best group of friends anyone could ever ask for and I can't wait to see most of them at my shower in April! As I was looking at pictures of the wedding on Sunday morning, I found myself in tears! I always miss them, but for some reason this weekend was worse than usual! I have been blaming most tears on pregnancy hormones, but I really do think I just miss my friends that much, overactive hormones or not!!
Not too much else is going on around here! We are definitely ready for the warmer weather!! Chad starts his new job on Monday and then he leaves in April for three weeks of training in California...something we are both nervous about! Chad does so much around the house that I don't know how me and my growing belly are going to live without him for three long weeks! Until then we are working on the nursery and getting things done around the house!
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