I am now going to the doctor on an every two week basis. I had an appointment this past Friday with the nurse practitioner. She asked the same questions, listened to the baby's heartbeat, and felt around to see how the little peanut is positioned. I have been feeling a hard ball like sensation in the lower right quadrant of my abdomen, so I knew it was either a butt or a head. Good news is that it was indeed a head, which means the baby is in the right position! Although I know my stubborn child, and I am sure it will move between now and mid-June :) All vitals were good and I actually lost 2 lbs from my last appointment. I guess she wasn't concerned, because she never said anything. Since I didn't know my exact pre-pregnancy weight, I am guessing I have gained a total of 18 lbs so far. I scheduled my next appointment for a little over 2 weeks, so Chad would only have to miss this one appointment. I always tell him that he doesn't have to come to every appointment as they are usually very brief, but he insists on being there! I guess it is better to have him there in the off chance that something was actually wrong!
Speaking of Chad...he has been gone for about a week and a half, which means only a week and a half more to go!! I miss him terribly, but the time is passing faster than I thought it would. He is doing well with his training and just trying to retain all of the information he learns on a daily basis! He is such a perfectionist it cracks me up! He calls me every day to tell me his grades! I am surprised he isn't mailing them to me to post on the refrigerator! However he does send me pictures from the beach and of the beautiful sunsets...jackass!! Just kidding! He deserves a break after the long days he puts in! He gets home on April 22nd and then I feel like time is going to fly! We have my dad's b-day on the 25th, another shower on the 30th, my bro's b-day on the 6th AND my friend Liz's wedding, my mom's b-day on the 19th, and last but not least our 2nd anniversary on the 23rd! And then IT'S BABY TIME!! It's so hard to believe that this tiny human being is going to grace us with his/her presence in two short months!! Until then here is a shot of my expanding, pale, mottled, NAKED baby belly :)

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