That was a LONG three weeks, and I am SO glad that it is OVER!! Of course I was scheduled to work the night Chad got home, so I wasn't even going to see him when he got back. Well it turns out the overstaff that I had signed up for weeks earlier was actually granted :) I knew we had gotten busy at work, so I did NOT expect to get called off! So what did I do? When Chad called to tell me he had landed, I told him I was on my way to work! My dad picked him up from the airport and took him out to eat, so I just sat at home waiting to surprise him. When they finally got home, he walked and saw that the door was open and all of the lights were on. The first thing he said to me was "you are such a liar!" Haha. It was so good to see him and so nice to have the night off of work!! I am even more thankful that the baby behaved itself the whole time he was gone!
Like I said in my last post, I have been going to the doc every two weeks. I scheduled this past appointment so that Chad would be able to come since he missed the last one. Well we were scheduled to see the only doctor in the practice we had yet to see in my 33 weeks of pregnancy. Our appointment was for 2:30 and Chad had a 3:00 conference call. Well I figured we would be fine, because my appointments had been lasting all of 15 minutes and I have NEVER had to wait to see a doc this entire pregnancy. Well apparently this doctor is ALWAYS behind and we sat in the waiting room until 3:00 without word. Chad had to leave the doctor's office for his conference call and I went up to the front desk annoyed. They said she runs behind because she is SO good and everyone just LOVES her. Well Ms. Receptionist Lady, you must not know that I work in the industry and I have heard what other medical personel think of her, so I am sure that most people do LOVE her, but don't bulls**t me because I have heard otherwise! So I saw the nurse midwife, who I like the best anyways! She urged me to schedule my next appointment with the doctor I had not seen just in case she is the one to have to deliver me. I really did not want to, but did anyways. So besides having to wait and poor Chad missing yet another appointment, everything went great and the baby is remaining head down!
In other news, my brother came home for Easter and to celebrate my Dad's birthday! It was so funny to see his reaction to my growing belly! He had not seen me since Christmas, so needless to say...I had grown! He talked to the baby and felt it move a lot, which is funny, because the second anyone else lays their hands on my belly, the little stinker stops moving altogether! Baby loves it's uncle Matty already! It was so good to see him and who knows...maybe next time he's home he will be holding the little one in his arms instead of feeling him/her in my belly!!
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