As stated in the previous post, our little man was admitted to the NICU between 3:30 and 4:00 am on June 15th. By 7:00 am his oxygen head hood was discontinued (THANK GOD!!!). He was still breathing rapidly and was receiving all of his nutrition from his IV. I had missed the doctor's rounds that morning, but thankfully Chad got to hear what they had to say. They were very pleased with his fast turn around, but did not want to start feeds on him until his breathing slowed down. The plan for the day was to let him rest and recover, continue with the IV fluids and antibiotics, and hopefully begin feeds the next day. We spent most of the day staring at him in his bed. We were DYING to hold him, but we both thought it was best for him to rest, so he could heal faster. To our surprise he was very alert most of the day. He looked around his room and made a lot of funny faces when mommy and daddy talked to him.
That morning, Chad and I both decided that today was the day that we MUST decide on a name. We had considered several names, but did not want to decide on one until we met him or her. Some people say that whatever name you choose (before delivery or after) will fit the baby. I completely disagree. We had a few names that we both liked, but when we looked at his sweet face, they just didn't fit. After some discussion, we both came to agree that our sweet boy looked like a Wesley. Wesley was always on our name list, but it was never at the top. There were at least 3 other names we were considering before Wes. We also loved Barrett and even considered it for a first name at one point during my pregnancy. Once we decided that his name was going to be Wesley, we just knew that Barrett was the perfect middle name. So approximately 8 hours after our son was born, he finally had a name: Wesley Barrett Clark!
The rest of the day I went from being extremely happy that he was doing so well, to bawling my eyes out because I just wanted to have my baby in my arms! I am sure Miranda and Johnni (his day/night nurses) thought I was a total mental case (I WAS!!!). I struggled to eat because I was so emotional and then I would make myself feel guilty for not eating, because I knew I needed to eat in order for my milk to come in. That night, my nurse had to give me some medicine because I was struggling with extreme anxiety. I tried my best to get rest and stay hydrated, but the only thing that was going to make me feel better was my baby! Even though I was an emotional wreck, I was so comforted knowing my Good Sam friends were taking such good care of our little boy. I knew they would care for him as if he were their own and they did. Chad and I are forever grateful to them. There are just no words to explain our extreme gratitude!
All in all, Day #1 in the NICU was a good one (or as good as it can be under the circumstances). Wes was a good boy all day and we prayed he would continue to progress!

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